Rabbinic Leadership
Meet Rabbi Isaiah Rothstein
Isaiah Joseph Rothstein is the Rabbi of the Greenpoint Shul and serves as Rabbinic Scholar and Public Affairs Advisor at the Jewish Federations of North America, where he is the founder of the Jewish Federations' Center for Jewish Belonging. As a rabbinic entrepreneur, Rabbi Rothstein has also co-founded the Jewish Youth Climate Movement, the Zahav Fellowship for Black Jewish Zionists, and Kamochah, an organization for cultivating belonging in Orthodox Jewish life.
Rabbi Rothstein has served as rabbi-in-residence at Adamah, Isabella Freedman, and Be'chol Lashon, and as rabbi for youth at Carmel Academy, Young Israel of Stamford, NCSY, and Camp Yavneh. Rabbi Rothstein studied at Kushner Yeshiva High School, Lev HaTorah, Machon Lev, and Binghampton University. He received rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Elchanan Isaac Theological Seminary (REITS) and a Masters of Social Work from Yeshiva University's Wurzweiler School of Social Work.
Raised in a multi-racial Chabad family from Monsey, NY, Rabbi Rothstein sees himself as a human bridge, connecting disparate parts of the Jewish community and America. Rabbi Rothstein is a member of Rabbis Without Borders, and Schusterman Foundations' ROI + Senior Fellowships, and has been listed in the Jewish Week's "36 Under 36." His writing and commentary has been featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, and Jewish publications across the world. When he is not serving in his rabbinic roles, Rabbi Rothstein is writing a musical about Queen Esther.
Early Rabbinic Leadership
Rabbi Maurice Appelbaum served as Rabbi at the Greenpoint Shul from 2009-2019. During that time, Rabbi Appelbaum oversaw the growth of the community and membership as Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Long Island City enjoyed a renaissance in culture and population growth. Together with our lay leaders, he helped cultivate events such as monthly Friday night dinners with guest speakers, holiday programming, and other events which attracted a diverse group of attendees.
Rabbi Appelbaum recieved Semicha from Rabbi Avi Weiss at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in Riverdale. Rabbi Appelbaum now serves as Rabbi Emeritus at the Greenpoint Shul.
Born April 29, 1910, in Zaboike, Galicia (Ukraine), Rav Jacob Zipper was Chazzan and Rabbi of Congregation Ahavas Israel from 1949-2007. As a young man, his beautiful voice earned him the title of "Angel of Tarnopol." Having survived World War II fighting in the Polish Army, Jacob and his wife, Rifcia, settled in Greenpoint in 1949. He assembled a wide circle of friends and admirers that included Chassidim, Polish immigrants, and many new arrivals to North Brooklyn. Thanks to his spirit, Congregation Ahavas Israel remains set up to serve Jews of all denominations.
Rav Zipper passed away on February 5, 2007, in Greenpoint. He is survived by nieces Rozia Hirsch and Rosalyn Suchow, great-nephews Eddy and Leon Friedfeld and Joseph Hirsch, great-niece Helene Hirsch-Wingens, and his caretaker for over 20 years, Irena Lefanowicz. He is reunited with his beloved Rifcia and has forever joined the choir of the angels. May his memory be a blessing for all.
Tue, February 11 2025
13 Shevat 5785
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This Shabbat
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 5:11pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:20pm |
Friday Evening
Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv at 6:00pm.
Shabbat Morning
Please join us for Shacharit at 9:30am. The Torah reading begins at approximately 10:30am, with the Drasha (sermon) at 11:15am. Kids Kiddush takes place every week at 10:30am. We conclude with community Kiddush at 12:00pm.
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 12 Back to Our Roots: A Tu B'Shevat Seder Wednesday, Feb 12 7:30pm |
Feb 14 Friday Night Kiddush Reception Friday, Feb 14 7:00pm |
Feb 20 Journey Tribe Dinner Thursday, Feb 20 7:00pm |
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